Family Christmas Photo for Beena and Pie Welcome Post


Hey, Girl, Hey! Welcome. Starting this blog has been a dream of mine for about a decade now. Thank you for starting this journey with me!

This is us. Me and my people (circa last Christmas, because it’s my favorite). They rock my world! I’m a thirty-something mama married to a total babe of a husband (lol) and we have two rowdy and super sweet scratch-made humans. We’re all in this life together and we love, laugh and fight like it’s our job (i mean, it kinda is).

Family Christmas Photo for Beena and Pie Welcome Post

Becoming a mama has changed me in ways I’ll never quite be able to articulate with actual words. It has catapulted Mr. Beena + Pie and I onto a path of becoming our best selves for these little people and working hard to create a life for our family that we love! One of our biggest core values as a family (besides cultivating our relationships with each other and our faith) is travel. We firmly believe that the experiences we have traveling as a family shape our lives in ways we can only begin to understand. We believe that traveling with kids doesn’t have to be a daunting task and that kids who start traveling young acquire life skills that will help them grow into the adults who change our world. An understanding of the world beyond our own backyard is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children and we want that gift for you and your children too!

Join me here while I share our travels and all of the of the dos and don’ts that we learn along the way. My goal for this space is to become a resource and a community for mamas (and papas) who want to get out there and explore but may be nervous to bring the kiddos along. Instead of waiting until you’re not so busy, you have more money or the kids are older, let us show you how to make family travel a part of your family’s life and not just a luxurious extra. Families who travel together, create deeply lasting bonds that keep this globe turning! So glad you’re here!